Hannah Marie Brown Elementary School
est. 2021

Home of the Brown Bears
Welcome to the 24-25 School Year
Character Education, Conflict Resolution and Progressive Discipline at Hannah Marie Brown ES
*We feel very strongly about developing confident, respectful, kind and responsible children through intentional character education and leadership opportunities based on specific traits, qualities and coping mechanisms.
*We believe that every child has endless potential and opportunity to be successful in whatever they choose to do in life.
We believe that part of a child's natural development is learning how to interact with others. As we all know, that can be very tricky, especially in this new world of interacting with others through a screen. While in school, we feel very strongly about coaching children through their decisions, actions, reactions and understanding of how to resolve conflict. It can be the smallest event or a serious circumstance resulting in a child's safety being compromised. Anything that could disrupt a child's learning environment must be addressed through love and logic strategies, natural consequences or disciplinary consequences through a clear progressive plan.

*Pro-active instruction on conflict resolution strategies, interventions with the counselor and coaching are always the first step when a child seems to struggle with social situations or is demonstrating concerning behaviors. We feel that parents are a critical element of the intervention and coaching process.
*When interventions, coaching and other supports do not seem to help or if a severe event occurs, a progressive discipline plan may be implemented. Below is the Progressive Discipline Plan for Hannah Marie Brown Elementary School. Per the Nevada State Law for Bullying, a very specific protocol will be followed if an event may be suspected as bullying or cyberbullying. See below for that information, as well. As always, if you have any questions or concerns about your student, please feel free to contact Mrs. Carpenter (counselor), Mrs. Sullivan (AP) or Ms. Wooldridge (Principal).